The Importance Of Penetration Testing In Philadelphia Pa


Penetration testing is a process where real circumstances are created for a website or computer system to see how secure and safe you are from would-be invaders and unethical hackers. This is a very common practice for testing websites to check their security level. It is crucial to know how vulnerable your site is so you can make the appropriate adjustments to create a higher level of security if needed. Professional Penetration Testing in Philadelphia, PA has many benefits and needs to be done on every business website. The following information will cover the benefits of this kind of testing.

Find the Weak Areas


All websites have some weaknesses or flaws that can easily be found by those who wish to do your site harm. The first phase of testing involves checking the website information, network addresses, and what is available on your site to the general public. You might be surprised what kind of information you may be offering without knowing it. The goal is to find and fix the weak areas.

Ensure Regulatory Compliance

Another area where business websites need to be tested is in their regulatory compliance. A company that runs a penetration test will provide you with a detailed report that will include what is needed to ensure you pass an audit from any kind of Federal department. The GLBA and HIPPA are notorious for auditing to find problems so you have to pay the penalties. You can avoid penalties when you use Philadelphia’s Penetration Testing.

Protect Your Reputation

If you have built your online business to the point that you have a good reputation and a large customer database, you need to have penetration tests done to protect your reputation. When your customers go to your website they expect to find it up and running. If it is down with no notice, customers get suspicious. Downtime is like poison to your business site.

Penetration testing is also necessary for keeping your cybersecurity insurance. The government, your insurance provider, and your customers expect your site to be secure. When you have penetration testing done, you are making sure you are compliant and secure for your customers. Computer Connection Of Central New York, Inc. offers this kind of testing and other IT services for your business needs.